Tuesday, April 12, 2011

hunting by falcons

hi everyone,,

I am going to tell you about a hobby that is common in Saudi Arabia..
It's an old hobby. The hunters are usually rich. However, there are poor people who hunt falcons and sale falcons. It's really hard to hunt a falcon in Saudi Arabia but if you are lucky and get a rare falcon, you will earn a lot of money. The good kinds of falcons cost $ 100,000. These kind of falcons sometimes can hunt a gazelle or a deer.

Hunters who use falcons are usually so busy because they have to train their falcons every single day. That is the worst side of this hobby.

The best prey for every hunters is that bird (the picture is below). Now, this kind of birds are endanger and you can't find it easily because it became really rare. expects are scared that may these birds will be extinct soon.

also rabbets are good prey for hunters.
We consider the falcon as the king of the birds
I like falcons and hunting with it but it is exhausting.

Finally, these are some videos,,

this falcon hunted a deer ! (the film is old)

I hope that you enjoy reading and watching,,

If you have any question, ask and don't hesitate.


  1. Wow - this looks like a very exciting hobby! But there's one thing I'd like to know. When the falcon hunts the prey, does he always bring it back to his owner? Obviously, you can't follow the falcon because he flies so as quickly, right?
    Actually, I have another question: Do you own a falcon?

  2. the hobby is a very exciting. when I was reading and the lecture I felt confused because sometimes I was sad for prey sometimes I was happy :))


  3. OH,that's soooo exciting,I've never hunt anything.What's the feeling if the falcon give you a prey?Are the falcons obedient like hounds?

  4. In Yunnan Province of China, people hunts animals with falcon's help for hundred years. I know some very intersting things about falcon. Do you want to know?

  5. Yes! Linxuan, please post your information about hunting with falcons in China!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. thank you everyone for your common ,,
    Polly, you have to follow the falcon and take the prey from him. You must watch the falcon carefully and know where he is going to. Unfortunately I didn't have a chance to own a falcon.

    Bilal, you have a kind heart :)

    Quin, if you got a prey, you feel comfortable because before you hunted the prey, you had been searching and looking for it and that is so exhausting. It is like that you worked hard and then you succeeded. It is absolutely different from hunting by hounds. Falcons don't hunt for their owner. the owners make them hungry therefor they hunt animals. if you don't take the prey quickly, the falcon will eat it.

    Linxuan, I am waiting,, don't be late !

  8. In my country Saudi Arabia and because of big distance of desert we have, it is very well known to go for couple of nights to hunt birds by felcon.My father's Uncle was one of the best hunters,he used to bring us some of the these birds whenever he comes for a visit.Ilike the felcon whenit looks at you with its eyes full of brave and proud.

  9. I have never heard about this hobby in Saudia :P !!
    i'm kidding you Omar , my cousin had a falcon, but it flew away and never come back, I think it's not honest falcon :P

  10. I like birds so much because they can fly very high and fast. I saw videos, when they hunt. Falcons are very strong and fast. Also,falcons see 10 times better then a human, even more. Is that amazing?

  11. I read about it in the book named " jing ki su kan " Oh, it's real story. It's very interesting.!!!!

  12. Wow-these falcons look so fierce and proud! My cousin's friend is a veterinarian and he moved from Budapest to KSA to care for falcons for a few months. Are there competitions for falconers?
