Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One year in New York

In the beginning I would like to thank My God for the blessing bestowed, and I thank those who had benefited me in my scientific education as well as these who helped me while I was studying. However, I congratulate some teachers for their experience and abilities in the delivery of professional information, as such as Polly, Judy, Elka, Shelly, and Babi.
Through these notes, I will write some information about one year I lived as an expatriate in New York.
Firs: I will giving you some brief information about myself and my family.
Second: Brief information about my job and my ambitions.
Third: what happened to me in this year?
Fourth: What are the attempts and efforts I made to overcome those obstacles?
Fifth: How I benefit through that year?
Sixth: What are some tips that I will offer to others.
The answer to these questions will be throughout the pages of this text. But before that, I must an introduction about my identity and family as well as my job. So let's go to the next page.

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